About Us
Company Profile

Efroze Chemicals Industries (Private) Ltd. came into existence in 1968 with the Dedication to the Quality Pharmaceuticals, to empower mankind by promoting mental and physical wellbeing around the globe.
After ascertaining its credentials in the pharmaceutical industry of the country, international expansion is a priority for Efroze. Efroze began spreading its wing beyond Pakistan with thrust on becoming global player in the international market. Efroze is the only enterprise in Pharmaceutical Industry in Pakistan, amply recognized with 3 consecutive Export Merit Trophy, bestowed by the government of Pakistan for the 2005, 2006 and 2007.
The IMD team is completely geared for it in terms of technical capabilities, regulatory compliances, cost advantages and geographical reach.
With over 200 registrations in 27 countries Efroze has achieved good reputation in the medical fraternity and end consumers.
Quality Policies
Equal Opportunity
Corporate Strategy

Enjoying an ever growing worldwide demand for its quality products, Efroze is at a pivotal point in harnessing its ability to capitalize all the opportunities to capture the heart of its doctors and patients. We have encouraged our corporate existence as the quality manufacturer of life saving drugs by focusing our efforts on the development of first-in-class medicines from laboratory to the retail shops.
Being Ethical in marketing standards, our management approach entails rigorous and analytical market research and is substantiated by clinical evidences within the legal and regulatory framework.